Linggo, Marso 11, 2012

I. The Isles of My Portfolio in English 121 ( Writing in the Discipline)

1.Avoiding Sentence Errors
2.Levels of Usage
3.Verb Usage
4.Pronoun of Usage
5.Subject and Verb Agreement
6.Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement
7.Ajjective and Adverb Usage
8.Micellaneous Pronoun Agreement

II. Students Outputs of E-Portfolio

Richard Opiaza
Odezza Jalandoni
Marilyn Nuto
Reyna may Maygay
Diana de Mayo
Diana jane Aniversario
Kimberly Moyet
Ma. Johnmil Cejo
Joylyn Abing
Jelly Vie Lazarga
Jessica Pasion
Jenilyn Emboltorio
Maureen Narajos
Aljim Sacatani
Marites Lacambra
Gretchen Demadara
Diosyl Miran
Imee jane Bisnar
Prima Capilayan

III. Writing in the Discipline as a Platform in Education for Sustainable Development

       Education for Sustainable Development”(ESD) is a vision of education that seeks to empower people to

assume responsibility for creating  a sustainable future. Central to ESD is the concept of culture as an

essential underlying theme. Recognizing that there is no “single route” to sustainable development and that

perception of, and ideas for sustainability are different, participants need to work together to negotiate the

process of achieving sustainability.

IV. Reflection of English 121

        English 121 is my major language.We can use English in lessons but unluckily my English did not

improve a lot since my English teacher just told me to do more and more exercises.It was so boring and

gradually I lose my passion.Sometimes there were some activities which attract me,for instance,watching

films,playing games and listening songs.But most of it cannot increase my English level successful

V. Integration of Education for Sustainable Development to English 121

        They had detailed knowledge of their local community and could operate safely and successfully in it.

Their knowledge of their community however, and how they used it were very different from that of adults.

(e.g their knowledge  of the recreation areas, who used them, and how safe they were).  This knowledge 

was gained through exploration and paly, exchanges with peers and families through stories, and by renewed

contact with each other, with older children, with adults, and with the community.